C2 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils
  • We will see/watch the best performances of art groups of Polish partner school, especially best groups and individuals in the drawing, digital artsoriented artistic works/performances. 
  • We will also see the other best groups of other guest countries and their performances.The guest student groups will exhibit and introduce their performances. In the second day we will see the most active -most participatory activities like forum sharings and commenting- member students of our system on the web and investigate/learn their avatar, activities and comments in their local website. 
  • We will examine their website's funniest comments/the most effective sharings/funniest avatars...etc.
  • In the following days, we will have visits to social and cultural centers of the city with our students. And the other day we will have workshops about
    the city and the country and Polish people and their administrative system. We will have visits to their local authorities that day and learn information
    about the history, municipal system and administrative system of the country.