First Transnational meeting, Anamur, Turkey

What an amazing week it was in Aanmur, Turkey! All the partners could finally meet and talk about the deatails of our project; we spent some time on studying Web 2.0 tools, we learnt how to use eTwinning to manage our project; we also discussed different topics related to it- management, dissemination etc. 

We also had a chance to do some sightseing - fantastic bananas greenhouses, amazing cave Kosekbuku Magarasi, beautiful remains of Anamurium; we had a meeting with the local authorities, we laso visited the Great Mosque; while visiting the school of our partners,we had a chance to watch the students and their teachers performing for us, displaying their artistic works; we could talk and exchange our experience ;

we can't wait to our next meeting in Poland in March 2019 :)))